Tips To Prevent Allergies


Allergies can be mild to severe. When they affect your day-to-day activities and sleeping, they make your life miserable. Dealing with them can be really challenging. To keep allergies well under control, you must avoid exposure to allergens- substances that cause allergies.

Allergies can happen due to anything. A little exposure to an allergen can cause an allergy. Therefore you need to be very cautious with that. You must know the allergens that cause you allergy. When you know them, only then can you avoid exposure to them. Sometimes, knowing about the allergen becomes an arduous task. For that, you can keep a diary and note all your activities, cloth material, and everything else. In that diary, also write about your allergy symptoms and notice when it occurs. This technique will help you in ruling out the allergen.

Your healthcare providers might also perform an allergy patch test to know about the allergen. The common symptoms of allergy are a runny or clogged nose, cough, itchy eyes, sneezing, itching, and cough. Sometimes these symptoms can be even severe and lead to a life-threatening condition, anaphylaxis. You should never take it lightly. Make sure to visit the emergency room soon.

If you have a complaint of allergies, you must visit the healthcare provider for follow-up visits. To get an expert opinion, you can consult a Pulmonologist in karachi.

A person may be allergic to a substance that is normally harmless to other people. One can be allergic to anything: dust, pollen, pets, molds, foods, and some medications as well.

Such people who are allergic to these substances have hypersensitive immune systems. Their immune system, when exposed to these allergens, reacts severely by producing antibodies that, in turn, cause various symptoms.

Here in this blog, we will tell you tips to prevent allergies.

How Can Allergies Be Prevented?

Here we mention a few tips that help keep your allergy under control.

Identify The Allergen First

Identifying and avoiding allergens is essential in preventing allergic reactions and reducing symptoms.

Avoid Your Allergens

You should try your best to avoid exposure or intake of allergens. Otherwise, it can trigger an allergy attack. A necessary step to prevent allergy is to know the trigger that causes it. However, for that, you must know the triggers.

Take Your Medicines Regularly

Medicine can help manage your symptoms. If you are at an increased risk for anaphylaxis, keep your epinephrine injections with you at all times. Epinephrine may be the only treatment for a severe allergic reaction.

Track Everything

Track what you do, what you eat when symptoms occur, and what seems to help. Keeping this information may help you and your doctor find what causes or worsens your symptoms.

  • If you have ever had a severe allergic reaction, wear a medical alert bracelet. This bracelet lets others around you know that you have serious allergies. It can be essential if you get an allergic reaction, and are unable to communicate.

Preventing Allergy in Children Born to High-risk Families

The following directions can help prevent allergies in children born to high-risk families or families with known allergy history.

  • Exclusive breastfeeding in the first 4–6 months of age
  • Use of hydrolyzed milk formulas (for those unable to be breastfed)
  • Quitting smoking

Preventing Severe Allergies (Anaphylaxis)

People at risk of experiencing seasonal allergies should always carry adrenaline with them wherever they go. Take the following steps to avoid seasonal allergies.

  • Stay indoors on dry, and windy days
  • Avoid lawn mowing, weed pulling, and other chores that aggravate such allergies
  • Wear a face mask when you go out
  • Avoid spending time with pets

Specific steps might also be taken to prevent allergies. For example, if you are allergic to house dust mites, you must avoid carpets and woods of hard vinyl flooring. Similarly, if you are allergic to pets, it is advisable not to have any pets in your house. To avoid allergies due to mold spores, it is advised you keep your rooms dry and ventilated.

If you are allergic to a particular ingredient or food, an allergy can be avoided by carefully checking the label for the list of ingredients. It is advised to check for the weather reports and stay indoors when it’s high, if possible if you are allergic to pollen.

The Bottom Line

Management of allergies can be challenging. Therefore you need to be vigilant with that. Avoid exposure to allergens in all cases. However, if it occurs, it is better to take an antiallergic medication soon. Keep an eye on your allergy symptoms and if they become severe, visit the healthcare provider soon. To get an expert opinion, you can consult Best Pulmonologist in Lahore.

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About the Author: John Abraham

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