A Step-by-Step Guide to Make Exams Timetable for Students

school timetable maker

Exam stress can take a toll on the mental health of many students. Exam stress is typical among students because most students feel they have not prepared for the upcoming exams. It is better to start exam preparation before it is too late to save yourself from this trouble. According to a survey, most students leave all their learning to the last minute and thus suffer loss. You need a practical and manageable study timetable that helps you prepare for the exams. It is better to follow a study schedule and go through all the lessons and topics before the exams.

It is common to become overwhelmed when we have a heavy load of topics to cover on exam night. Your brain will automatically slow down when you have all the curriculum to prepare within 24 hours. That is why a realistic plan can help you ease your exam stress. You can use an online school timetable maker to make yourself a practical schedule for studying. The digital format will help you create a systematic timetable for your exams. The online applications will also administer you to provide equal time to all complicated topics. All you need is to know in which areas you need more attention and which courses should be on priority.   

Sometimes you might feel like you do not have enough days to prepare for the exams. When such a thing happens, it is better to divide your day into 24 hours rather than a single unit. By separating each block or hour of the day, you can easily dedicate specific time for all lessons. Below is a step-by-step guide to help students make themselves an exam timetable.

Use a study timetable template:    

The best way to make a study timetable is by using a template. The format will help you calculate how much time you will have and how many lessons you need to cover. You can find numerous digital applications to help you craft your study timetable. You can also update the study timetable digitally. You can create a weekly or monthly study timetable as per your needs.

Create a list of topics:    

It is advisable to prioritize the complicated topics while making the study timetable. You can also pair the undemanding and complicated subjects. For this, you will need to create a list of all the topics you need to cover. After that, you can estimate how many days or hours you require for each lesson. Break each subject into smaller ones that are more manageable.

Creating time slots for each lesson:    

The next step is to decide how many hours or minutes you will study for each lesson. Creating slots will depend on how much free time you have. If you only have two hours in the day. You can make four slots of thirty minutes. You can make two slots of sixty minutes.

Schedule breaks:    

Studying continuously without any breaks cannot help you achieve your goals. Our brains need some time out to refresh and regain energy. That is why you need to take small breaks of at least five minutes after every thirty minutes.

Review the timetable:    

There is no guarantee that the timetable you made is flawless and according to your learning goals. You can review and reflect on the study timetable by assessing how much you have learned in the past week.

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About the Author: John Abraham

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